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Difference between Indian and Saudi Arabian women’s lifestyle

Image Credit: Pexels Photo by Anthony Shkraba

There is a difference between the lifestyle of Indian and Arabian women. You will be amazed to know that Saudi Arabia was the only country that banned women across the globe. However, it eases some restrictions which are related to women driving.

In addition to it, there are several things in Saudi Arabia which women can do and cannot do too. Here is the list of some information about those things which women in Saudi Arabia can do and cannot do.

What they can do presently:

  • Now women are allowed to get entry into the sports stadium in Riyadh. They allow access mainly for the Saudi National Day in the family portion and away from the men.
  • Now they do not require any permission from the guardian to do any sort of work.
  • This year, the government gives the freedom to girls in the public school to play sports. They also get access the physical education.

These are a few things that women of Saudi Arabia can do.

What they still cannot do:

  • Without the permission of their male guardian, they cannot take any action. These actions are related to marriage, divorce, travel, opening a bank account, any medical procedure, and so on.
  • They do not have permission to socialize with men outside of their immediate families.
  • They may not have permission to eat at restaurants which do nor consists of separate family section.
  • Islamic restrictions do not allow Muslim women to marry Non-Muslim.
  • The women must have to wear an abaya and veil at any public place.
  • They cannot organize some business. It requires a minimum of two men who can test her character before she can be permitted for the license.

So, women of Saudi Arabia have to follow these rules and regulations. On the other side, when it comes to India, then women have several rights. Here is the list of rights of Indian women.

Rights of Indian Women:

  • Indian women have the right to equal pay.
  • They have the right to raise their voice against workplace harassment and domestic violence.
  • They have the right to consider free legal aid.
  • One cannot arrest her at night.

List of the problem faced by Indian women:

  • Women have limited educations opportunities.
  • They have poor medical care
  • Financial exclusion
  • Fear of Rape

In India, most parents do not allow their daughters to work outside. They have different kinds of fears. One of the biggest fears is rape too. Not only this, another problem is acid attacks.

In the end, this information gives a crystal clear idea about the difference between the life of women of India and Saudi Arabia. They have to struggle a lot.

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